December and early January are dull not only outside with grey sky, streets, and snow but also with Television. The vanilla replayed network and cable shows are nothing but boring as we as viewers can't stand to wait any longer for new episodes of our favorite shows. As a television viewer in the 21st century we are shocked when a show takes a week off or there is a three week hiatus. "What am I supposed to do without Modern Family this week? How will I survive without a new Glee fix?" We as consumers in this fast age of production and consumption cannot fathom or take a week without our favorite guilty pleasures. We need the instantaneous satisfaction of a new show, a new shoe, a new boy. So what is a girl supposed to do when all that is on the E! network is Bridalplasty and Knocked Up and The Christmas Story is playing every day non stop?
My answer: DVR/ TiVo. As I relaxed on the couch and flipped through my DVR I found some old favorites that I was smart enough to record while I was away at school: The latest seasons of Entourage, Little People Big World, and Grey's Anatomy. All very diverse but at the same time of favorites. I do not have a TiVo or DVR at school well because I know I would spend too much time watching TV and catching up on long lost shows, plus there is something about coming home for break and finding a nice surprise waiting for you on a fresh full DVR.
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