Monday, November 22, 2010

Home for The Holidays

Thanksgiving was a holiday to express thankfulness, gratitude, and appreciation to God, family and friends for which all have been blessed of material possessions and relationships.

As a college Junior this is my third Thanksgiving break.... well it starts in about 7 hours and twenty minutes. I have learned from experience that teachers most likely will cancel class on Tuesday as well as our University cancels classes Wednesday, thus some students use the days off and extend there break leaving the previous Thursday or Friday before Thanksgiving. One of my friends is traveling to Hawaii and getting out of the cold snowy Spokane for a holiday in the sun... I am more than jealous as others are venturing home by bus, plane, and automobile to spend time with the people they are most thankful for. 

This year more than ever I am most thankful for my family. My parents, married 28 years, and my older brothers are the people I turn to through thick or thin. I know that they will always be there no matter what. 

As a pop culture enthusiast I began to wonder what different celebrities may be thankful for this week of thanks and love. What is someone like Eva Longoria who recently filed from divorce from her husband of three years, Tony Parker, thankful for this Thanksgiving when the wounds of her divorce are still fresh? Celebrities lives are so public that we assume things like oh well she is going through a hard time in her life what could she possibly be thankful for? We assume, we think we know, but in actuality we don't. Eva as well as other celebrities have private lives and private thoughts just like you and me which they try and keep as much out of the public eye as they can. They are human beings trying to enjoy the company of family and friends on the most joyous day when millions across the nation sit down and ask each other..
What are you thankful for?

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