Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Red White and sign for a Divorce Here

If you have been living under a rock or just do not pay attention to current events Arnold Schwarzenegger has a love child! When I saw the news this morning I had to think what the hell! Why do men in power think that it is okay to sleep with their staff or have affairs and have a secret relationship and a CHILD with a woman other than their wife or significant other while still in their relationship? 

Arnold and Maria Shriver seemed to have an All American marriage with fame, money, notoriety as well as a long line of strong Kennedy genes. What could possibly go wrong? Exactly what they have: fame, money, notoriety, and she has the strong Kennedy name and tie to uphold. Such demands as well as their whole relationship and his race and time as the Governor of California has been in the public eye, maybe grass wasn't so green on their side of Wilshire Boulevard. 

who's choo are you on?

Meet Melissa Gorga. Teresa Giudice's sister in-law as well as one of the newest cast-mates to Real Housewives of New Jersey. Unlike some of the other Bravo RH franchises the cast-mates are family. And as we have learned in the past two seasons in Jersey "blood is thicker than water." The first episode sure put this saying to test as the Giudice's attended Teresa's brother, Joe, and his wife, Melissa's sons' christening. Of course Bravo showed only a 30 second clip from the actually christening at the church and focused on the wedding like reception held at an upscale hall. 

Sparkles, gold, and everything gaudi could not mask the tension between Teresa and her brother Joe as well as Teresa's husband Joe... I know confusing. What was supposed to be a lovely evening celebrating the christening of a beautiful baby turned into an all out brawl between the Guidice's and the Gorga's as well as their respected cohorts and sidekicks. 

This scene was ridiculous! Middle aged men wrestling around and yelling at each other in both English and Italian what I assume were some pretty nasty Italian swear words... 

This scene looks like it is the theme of season as we divulge more into Teresa and Melissa's family history and why there is so much underlying tension between the two..... the scenes with the Manzo's and Lauritas were all heart warming and brought some of the more REAL and down to earth moments to the episode.... hopefully the new girls don't steal the spotlight..

I can't wait for the rest of this what looks like JUICY season! 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

new goal for the summer: meet chelsea handler

Yes I do have a goal to meet ms handler. i mean come on now it shouldn't be tooooo hard...... she is one celebrity and comedian that i admire for her wit as well as her hard to explain charm. I amm just dying to meet her!

Her newest book, Lies Chelsea Handler Told Me, arrived on bookshelves all across America this morning and you know that I just had to buy it, i mean come on who are we kidding. already 50 pages in i have caught myself crying of laughter and literally rolling on our living room floor as her staff, friends, and family share their stories and shenanigans that are Chelsea Handler.

I have always known that Chelsea is quite the character but I did not know that she was THAT MUCH OF A CHARACTER. From the practical jokes she pulls on Johnny, to telling and lying for a week to Heather that she is pregnant, to telling Stephanie to put a baggie of ecstasy in her cervix through airport security (when it really was Excedrin), Handler knows how to be the life of the party while still packing a punch.

Monday, May 9, 2011

new city. new friends. new summer.

 School is out.... for now and it is SUMMER! This summer is going to be quite different than being in Spokane Portland or Central Oregon. This summer I will be in Los Angeles. As my new internship grows nearer and nearer I am joined with many mixed emotions. Excitement, nervousness, bravery, timidness, and many more mixed emotions are getting me excited for my first day at E!

I am going to use my experience in the Los Angeles area to my full advantage. Make a list of different things I want to see, do, and experience all around the area. I know that the three months will go by quick and I can't let it pass me by with out going out of my comfort zone!

Now it's time to pack up the car and head down I5 straight to California!